
Wilderness Markets works with impact investors, fund promoters and fund managers in conservation finance to identify investment opportunities, quantify market size and impact and assess investment risk effectively.

Having worked extensively in tourism and hospitality, agricultural and terrestrial value chains, seafood and fisheries with a focus on conservation finance, we have extensive experience in assessing pipeline opportunities, risks and relevant investment strategies to optimize impact. Our team understands the cultural, social and business context of impact investments in Asia, Africa and Latin America having invested, or supported investments, in those geographies.

During the fund development phase, we use a data driven approach to develop, quantify and assess potential pipeline opportunities and risks.

Once a facility has been developed and designed, we are able to support fund management by cost effectively identifying pipeline opportunities and addressing the due diligence requirements.

We support the development of appropriate impact investment opportunities, primarily in sustainable marine fisheries. As a project developer, Wilderness Markets understands that one of the greatest challenges investors face in choosing impact investment opportunities is a clear understanding of the risks and financial outcomes. Properly structured businesses that balance conservation with economic development can increase investor profits and ensure the sustainability of our valuable natural resources.

Projects & Publications

Development of a Sustainable Fisheries Financing Vehicle (2019-2021)

West Coast Groundfish Regional Market Demand and Opportunities

Developing a microfinance facility through a company in Indonesia

World Bank: Impact Investment Framework Development & Sustainable Fisheries Investment Facility
report not publicly available at this time

Meridian: Transitioning to Sustainable Fisheries Finance in Indonesia
report not publicly available at this time

Connecting the Dots: Linking Sustainable Wild Capture Fisheries Initiatives and Impact Investors

Indonesian Blue Swimming Crab Value Chain Summary

West Coast Groundfish in California Value Chain Assessment

Indonesia Sustainable Fisheries Value Chain Assessments

Building a Sustainable Value Chain for New England Groundfish